sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

Phrasal verbs

Hi everyone!
Today you asked me where  you can find  a list of phrasal verbs.... Well...  There are DICTIONARIES!

 Yep.. I know :S
There are some that are the most common. 

I found this webpage that also includes many of them with sentences as examples:


As I told you the only way to learn them by heart is:
a) Keep on reading 
b) Identify them
c) Search their meaning
d) Try to use them in conversations.

There are some webpages with exercises, this one is very complete:

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Answer key review A

Review A Test
Answer Key

a) rearrange
b) aptitude
c) scruffy
d) peanuts
e) husky
f) touch
g) relocate
h) rainy
i) blown
j) barely speaking

a) take
b) making
c) take
d) made
e) have
a) Neither can
b) are
c) so was
d) haven’t
e) So would

1) to go
2) helping
3) to lend
4) to think
5) to lend

1) haven’t been feeling
2) had known
3) wouldn’t have chosen
4) has been studying
5) hasn’t made
6) had
7) would you do
8) have never eaten
9) is
10) arrive
11) will have to
12) Have you been waiting

a) we couldn’t stay here.
b) they hadn’t collected the trash that week.
c) if I was going to finish my sandwich.
d) he would always love her / Maria.

a) Could you tell me where I can buy a newspaper?
b) Do you know what time the museum shuts?
c) Do you think these pants make me look fat?
d) Where do you think is the best place to have lunch?

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Review level 7 A

New American Inside Out Upper intermediate
Review A 
Complete the words.
a)         Can we r_________ge this meeting for Thursday?
b)         I think Billy shows a real a_________e for languages.
c)         Why does the professor always wear such sc_________ clothes? He’s a mess!
d)         I’m not surprised that watch is broken already. You paid p_________s for it.
e)         Do you have a sore throat? Your voice sounds a little h_________y.
f)         I haven’t been in t_________ with Cathy for years. How is she?
g)         His company is going to r_________ to San Diego, so he’s moving down there.
h)         It’s important to save some money for a r_________ day. You never know what the future holds.
i)          He just got paid today, but he’s already b_________ his entire paycheck on a pair of boots!
j)          Have you had an argument with Karen? I noticed you’re b_________ s_________ to each

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have, make, or take.
a)         I think you should _____________ his advice on this matter.
b)         While my best friend was _____________ a fortune in banking, I was working for a charity.
c)         Hey! Come and _____________ a look at this spider I found in the grapes.
d)         Last year the business _____________ a huge loss and went bankrupt.
e)         Do you want to _____________ a talk about what happened?

Grammar .    Complete the sentences.
a)         “I can’t stand heavy rock music.” “_____________ _____________ I. It’s awful!”
b)         You’re not from around here, _____________ you?
c)         That’s funny. Tyler was on that flight, and _____________ _____________ Amanda, too.
d)         Am I too late? They’ve eaten all the cake, _____________ they?
e)         “I’d love a coffee.” “_____________ _____________ I. Let’s stop here.”

Underline the correct words.
Gerald had a great idea for a business. He was hoping (1) going / to go into business with a friend, but the friend pulled out. I wouldn’t have minded (2) helping / to help him, but he didn’t ask me. Instead, he asked his parents (3) lending / to lend him some money. I advised him (4) thinking / to think carefully about mixing family and money, and offered (5) lending / to lend him the money myself. Gerald agreed, and now our company has become a huge success.

Complete with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
a)         You (1) _____________ (not feel) well for days, and now you’ve got a cold.
b)         If they (2) _____________ (know) how expensive the food was going to be, they (3)
_____________ (choose) to eat there. But they had a great dinner!
c)         She (4) _____________ (study) Chinese for two years, but she (5) _____________ (not make)
any progress. I don’t know why she’s continuing with it.
d)         If you (6) _____________ (have) a lot of money, what (7) _____________ (you / do) with it?
e)         I (8) _____________ (never eat) anything as delicious as this truffle. It (9) _____________
(be) amazing!
f)         If you (10) _____________ (arrive) late for my class again, you (11) _____________ (have
to) stay after the end.
g)         I’m sorry I’m late. (12) _____________ (you / wait) long?

Write the sentences in reported speech.
a)         “We can’t stay here,” said Kate.
            Kate said that _________________________________ .
b)         “They haven’t collected the trash this week,” he told me.
            He told me that _________________________________ .
c)         “Are you going to finish your sandwich?” asked Julie.
            Julie asked me _________________________________ .
d)         “I will always love you, Maria,” said John.
            John promised that _________________________________ .

Write the questions in the correct order.
a)         tell / buy / you / a / Could / me / I / can / newspaper / where ?
b)         the / you / shuts / what / time / museum / know / Do ?
c)         fat / you / these / make / think / me / look / Do / pants ?
d)         place / lunch / Where / think / do / is / you / best / to / have / the?